Important day for Latvia / Janis Siklis article @ CoFounder magazine Slush 2015 edition

Important day for Latvia / Janis Siklis article @ CoFounder magazine Slush 2015 edition

Today on November 11 Latvia celebrates day of Latvian freedom fighters. It was very important day in Latvia's history that soon after led to establishment of Latvia as independent state.

Few photos from Riga and numerous candles testify the importance of this day for every latvian across the globe:

I am proud to be true latvian and I wanted to communicate the good news also from me to more than one thousand people globally with whom we know each other via LinkedIn and new partners whom I met in Finland this week.

As an investor and tech sales strategist I do participate at Slush 2015-startups and investors annual global meeting venue in Helsinki, Fnland. In current CoFounder magazine there is my article about the importance of having perfect sales team and what investors and startup teams should watch out for. Importance of key factors is outlined so that investors who are not tech sales professionals themselves are not loosing their investment. I have heard from my partners-investors the common way of thinking-I invest in ten companies and maybe 1 out of 10 Investments will be succesful. No, I am sure its a wrong approach. My advice is to look for the right product and very closely follow the sales team's actions and their ability to close sales not just try to sell and imitate the process. You as investor should have the full control of sales guy(s) that can either generate the profit for you or alternatively the investment is lost. As investor follow closely sales results and if sales is not delivering results- interact immediately.

Based on my global tech sales experience and solid track record of more than 26 Million EUR in sales from 8 different industry sectors and operations across Europe from today I will be working wore focused on investing in companies that have great products but existing sales teams are not capable of taking great products, technologies, solutions to global target markets fast enough. There is a huge gap in this respect-any company neds to take their products to global markets fast.

That is why it is needed to define tech sales strategies for global markets and to implement them as fast as possible.

Let's do it together.